Spring Break was pretty dang good.
I actually spent (i feel this way at least...sometimes my mom throws in during a conversation something like "I feel like we've barely seen you since you've been home"...And then she kind of laughs a little tiny bit so as not to be sharp about it but to bring to attention that our time is a little limited so WHY AM I NOT SEEING THEM THAT MUCH. haha. She's normally right, but not always :) This time she didn't have to say that though) a considerable amount of break with my mom and dad. On Sunday our entire family went to a HUGE indoor waterpark and I had a blast with all of my nieces.
...there's just something about my niece Lainey grabbing onto my neck for her dear little life when the huge waves from the wavepool came crawling towards us...made all of the exhaustion from phrases like "Uncle Seth! come to the slide with me! Uncle Seth! Uncle Seth? Wave pool? Uncle Seth?!" completely worth it and fine...My nieces, I've said this before, are such a huge blessing to me!
I spent the rest of break either talking with my parents or hanging out with friends from Ohio. It's always really meaningful to me to be able to see all of my friends among the different friend groups that I have; and I think that is why I let myself get stressed, because its worth it to be able to see each one. (Obviously there were definitely some that I missed out on, which is sad...but I made my rounds)
On Monday morning before I left to drive back to school with Austin, I had a very strong and significant realization about my parents and why I completely excited and supportive of them, but at the same time, really struggling with the anticipation and reality of them being gone for such a long time...
They were praying for me for all sorts of things before Austin and I took off. I was sitting in that chair, listening--agreeing--with the prayers that were lifted up and analyzing like I tend to do fairly often...and I realized why I possess such strong emotion about them.
I realized this: my parents love me more than anyone other [person...human] loves me on this earth. I hear it in their prayers over me whenever we pray. I see it looking back on their disciplining me and sharing wisdom with me over the years. Such an amazing thing was it to realize that in that moment...to realize at least a glance of how they love me. Their care for me...and actually now that I think about it, for those in the culture they're about to immerse themselves in and most people around me.... seeps out from them. I could go into more detail, but I think I'll keep that to myself. I just really wanted to share that with whoever is reading this right now. That my PARENTS love for me is overwhelming when I actually can catch a glimpse of its truth and reality.
In the bible there are many verses that attempt to describe God's (the father) personality a little bit. IN doing this, there are several verses that end with "[...] and so how much more will the Lord God reward you" or "[...] how much more, then, does your heavenly Father love you"
This became at least partially evident to me this Spring Break. My parents' love for me is incredible and seemingly unconditional even. How much more does God, my creator, savior...desire me and love and care and seek after me? SO much more...we should all keep that in mind.
The person that you feel loved by the most in this world does not possess even a tiny fraction of the amount of care and love that our God has for us... Believe it. Because this is true.
and if that's not encouraging to know then I don't know what is.
Love ya'll...