I can't believe how quickly the last year of undergraduate school has passed...not to say it's over--for there still remain many things to happen before my Spring Arbor education comes to a close--but it is ever so quickly approaching! I often remenisce about what has happened in the past 8 years of my life...so much.
As my amazing girlfriend has pointed out awhile ago, blogging is something that I truly have treasured in the past. It's a source of inspiration and an outlet of emotion. I don't necessarily feel the need to justify my "re-start" of this blogging adventure, but still I say to all who have read this THANK YOU for your thoughts, and...here we go again!
The past 8 years...hmm...Dalton, Ohio changed my life. Never would I have been able to meet such genuine people and formed such deep friendship(s) if my parents hadn't made the decision to move to Dalton. I still remember balling when we won the bid on the house on Arnold Rd. I remember getting off the bus in middle school and yelling to Ryan across the ravine, "Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world? HAHAHAHAHA [obnoxious, SUPER obnoxious laugh]". I remember being a paintballing King and having many friends and other players be afraid of me, Ryan, and Nick because we would always dominate others with our different tactics. I remember forming an incredible group of guy friends with Jason, Thane, and Tim...I remember Jason getting married. I remember Janine's death and the two lifelong friendships formed with Austin and Ryan because of it. I remember her impact on the entire community. I remember my first semester of college-> feeling that I definitely did not want to be at SAU. But then knowing by the end of the year that the Lord had his hand in this plan called 'my life'. I remember working construction, growing beards, playing with my nieces, trying to wakeboard, camping, traveling, streaking, t-p-ing, overnighters, parties, dirtbiking, encouragement given by my mom and dad so often, teetering relationships, conformity, worshipping, leading, laughing, loving so many people.......
These and countless others are memories that I TREASURE...and treasure deeply.
OH and though these are thoughts of the past, both joyful and solemn, I don't recall these extraordinary occurences to dismiss them. Rather, to express in some way and to anyone desiring to read this, that I have had a wonderful life. And that I have a wonderful life. Though it literally brings tears to my eyes to reminisce over these things, a new era is dawning:
I remember the growth that SAU has instilled within me. I remember the touching of my spirit that God increased. I remember the intense strengthening of Ryan and I's friendship. I remember my parents going to China and the plethora of feelings from this. I remember recognizing that dealing with this change would take more than one moment. I remember meeting a stunning young lady that caught the attention of my eye, my soul, and my mind. I remember telling her, and only her, that I loved her and her feeling the same. I remember knowing that I want to marry her. I remember being scared out of my mind that graduation is in 1.5 months (as of right this moment), but being okay because of what great potential lies ahead of me!
I can't really say that there was a purpose to this specific blog posting besides sparking my thoughts and stirring up that dusty mind of mine. But it has sure been nice.
I'm so excited for my family to be all together again in May, and for Crissie to be able to be a part of it all with me. Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with such a variety of experience in life thus far. Please hover 'round my family and friends and continue pouring out your love through me. I love you God.
and I love you all (ya'll ;] )
I will try to write again soon. I promise.