"ALL" I want to do is...
not wake up to 6" of snow everywhere in the middle of APRIL!1@#!$ [seriously?...I never thought that snow would be this depressing]
get into PT school [crossing my fingers for this next year]
get hitched [it's gettin closer at least]
find a car for less than $2,000 [preferably brand new or with under 10,000 miles :)...riiiight]
become either an expert mountain man, cyclist, or maybe in some stranger field of interest like petrology [that's the study of rocks, in case you didn't already know]
read more
watch less Cash Cab [its so easily addictive. don't knock it till you've tried it]

-------------I inserted this picture from "What About Bob" [GREAT movie] because I can just imagine Bill Murray saying, "Doc, come on...I need, I need, I need, I want, I want!" Sounds like me about now :)-------------
That's not too much to ask, right? Haha...there are so many aspirations that I do have, whether jokingly or not. And in May the time is coming to be closer to all of that which I hope to do and become. Exciting times! Overall I suppose its important to realize that aside from all of my desires and conquests, there are two core things that matter more. I know these things without having to ponder them, for they come from deep within my being: that God is and can be my only dependable foundation, and that the people I trust, care about most, and love [who return the favor of course] are important to stay in contact with and be close to whenever possible. In talking to a friend on the phone the other day, we found together during conversation that relationships, whether with Him or the image of Him on earth here, are truly important to subsistence. I suppose this just made me realize that even though I think it would be awesome to be somewhere else--ANYWHERE else with this stupid snow in APRIL!!! (come onnnnnnnnnn...)--I'm good here. Not just good...great! As Jakob Dylan says, "got a..good woman by my side"...check...and some of the people I'm closest to live within [several] hours.
On a side and [ending] note: I just found another book that holds 20 or 30 teachings by Brother Yun. It's called "Living Water". Any one read it and think it was good? I'm about to begin...
Love yall
not wake up to 6" of snow everywhere in the middle of APRIL!1@#!$ [seriously?...I never thought that snow would be this depressing]
get into PT school [crossing my fingers for this next year]
get hitched [it's gettin closer at least]
find a car for less than $2,000 [preferably brand new or with under 10,000 miles :)...riiiight]
become either an expert mountain man, cyclist, or maybe in some stranger field of interest like petrology [that's the study of rocks, in case you didn't already know]
read more
watch less Cash Cab [its so easily addictive. don't knock it till you've tried it]

-------------I inserted this picture from "What About Bob" [GREAT movie] because I can just imagine Bill Murray saying, "Doc, come on...I need, I need, I need, I want, I want!" Sounds like me about now :)-------------
That's not too much to ask, right? Haha...there are so many aspirations that I do have, whether jokingly or not. And in May the time is coming to be closer to all of that which I hope to do and become. Exciting times! Overall I suppose its important to realize that aside from all of my desires and conquests, there are two core things that matter more. I know these things without having to ponder them, for they come from deep within my being: that God is and can be my only dependable foundation, and that the people I trust, care about most, and love [who return the favor of course] are important to stay in contact with and be close to whenever possible. In talking to a friend on the phone the other day, we found together during conversation that relationships, whether with Him or the image of Him on earth here, are truly important to subsistence. I suppose this just made me realize that even though I think it would be awesome to be somewhere else--ANYWHERE else with this stupid snow in APRIL!!! (come onnnnnnnnnn...)--I'm good here. Not just good...great! As Jakob Dylan says, "got a..good woman by my side"...check...and some of the people I'm closest to live within [several] hours.
On a side and [ending] note: I just found another book that holds 20 or 30 teachings by Brother Yun. It's called "Living Water". Any one read it and think it was good? I'm about to begin...
Love yall