I cannot even explain to you the way I feel right now
SO...I will just make a list of the different things going on in my mind:
SO...I will just make a list of the different things going on in my mind:
- My discipline in my faith sucks...I desire the Lord so much but neglect to pay attention at an alarming frequency...more on my growth in that area later...because I need to fix that
- As lonely as I feel sometimes...I genuinely do trust that God is holding me and will provide, well...as much as He holds for my future
- I really can't wait to be able to grow my beard back again.
What conditions this can happen under:
- I need a job that will tolerate it or (of course) a job on campus that doesn't really care
- No requirements from any class to shave my face
- that's it i guess
- I may or may not pass away due to final projects overwhelming me!
- I've recently realized that I don't know that much at all about aspects of my faith like the Holy Spirit and [his, its?] power; and waiting in silence for God to speak to me
- Why do people anonymously leave me comments? Not cool. Because then I don't know who it is and that kills me...
- I don't know whether or not I should take the Advanced Athletic Training course next semester, or the Introduction to Pharmacology (Medical Terminology) course...? Help me out, will ya?
- I can't even believe how much I love hardcore music. Especially that of my band, Come On Come Here (check it out, www.myspace.com/comeoncomehere).
- I can't wait for so many things in the future...
hmm...that's about it...HA. not really...but that's a lot of the things on my mind... For today (or at least right now) I think I'm done. until next post
You are probably right.
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