Looking back on this last post...I realized how much it reminded me of an excited kid...
And I'm not sorry for or about that :) Just made me laugh at the presentation of some things in that last posts...
Now here's what it reminded me of: my youngest niece, Audrey was visiting along with the rest of the girls one day over my Christmas break. The day was normal and I think I was in the kitchen with them eating some chips or something and just watching them hang out and chow at the dinner table with my parents (Mimi and Papa as they call them). Anyways, the oldest of the girls (Sarah) suddenly says to me, "Uncle Seth, listen to Audrey when she says hotdog!"
Sarah: "Audrey, say 'HAWWTDAWWWWG"
Audrey then gets this HUGE, excited smile on her face and both bashfully and proudly declares...."HOGWOG!"
Definitely funny...The comparison, though an abstract one, is the bashfulness and excited nature in which she declared her newly learned word. Ha... Don't worry though Danielle, I learned how to say the name 'Danielle'...a LOOONG time ago I'm sure!
or at least i think so...ha
Anyways...On to a new topic...
Bunches 'o' random new things happening:
$$$ I am on Campus Safety now for Spring Arbor University and it is such a great job! The Lord has blessed me so much with that job, because it will bring in just enough money...and it will fit my schedule (even though night shifts will take some of my energy away on certain days)... I appreciate the job so much and it's a huge blessing
!!! Will Rowland is back on campus! I just love that kid so much. Can't stop lovin' him either.
~~~ My best friend Ryan from home (Dalton) is seriously considering going to Seattle with me this summer! I am really excited about that. I know a lot of my friends say that it sounds great to seek solitude...but truthfully Ryan is the only one that I invited because he has such a real and strong sense of value for silence and peace in the Lord. He is great and our friendship used to be really sketchy for me...but wow has he grown in to even someone that I really look up to in my relationship with God. It would be a blessing for him to come with me, so I hope that happens
^^^All of my possessions with the exception of a few different memorabilia things that are stored at my oldest brother Justin's house are at my apartment at school now! How crazy is that? Answer: pretty crazy!
*** I'm starting to play acoustic guitar again. I vow to practice a ton and get to a point where I can actually play a few songs decently in the near future. Deal?
I'm in the middle of writing two different songs right now...Hopefully I'll finish them soon [lyrically] and I'll put them, at least one of them, on here.
I hope all of you who read this, even secretly without commenting, are doing okay. I think about all of you a whole lot and just want you to know how much I really do care for each of you, it doesn't even matter what our relationship is seemingly like...
Have a great day and talk to me, ey?
it makes me happy to know that you are so excited about this summer. it will be such a time of growth for you! And I will be praying for you the whole time.
1. Cute, dude. Although I am not part of the elite few anymore, that's cool. At least I was ;)
2. Can't wait to met Danielle.
3. I want to go to a baseball game and have a hotdog now. Jerk.
so, who is this danielle?
your older and heaviest bro
Wow, writing music, lyrics, playing acoustic, practicing, working hard, loving life, caring for others, this sounds like my son is coming back!
What about this Danielle? Hmmm, nice name. Interesting.
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