SAU's chapel speaker today was some guy with an impressive track record of teaching and presiding over seminaries and universities. Most of what he said seemed OK but that at best. And then he quoted a woman, dying when she said, "I'm the best I've been in my whole life." He asked why and she replied that, "Jesus can't be all I need unless He's all I have."
That is truth.
I'm always telling myself that complete submission to Him is 'where it's at'...But I rarely arrive at a place in life where I can find that all I want and all I need is Jesus' presence. I think hearing that quote this morning made me realize how much I want more of a DESIRE for the Lord and all that comes with him. I've been in places where all I have is Jesus...where he's the only thing I feel safe thinking about...the only thing that could possibly save me from the situation I'm in...the only presence that can take away my twirling hurts and emotions...I've been there and it's an amazing step to be on with Him. I want that more. I want it all the time. He has to be all I have. "All I have" seems confusing...but speaking abstractly to have Jesus be all I have doesn't always mean becoming a vagabonds and punching myself in the face. I can get to that place by proclaiming...recognizing coherently and out loud even...that nothing satisifies and cares for me more than he does. I can get there by actually living dead to my desires. All that matters is the Lord's presence, wrapped and nuzzled around me, guiding me to LOVE. That's all I want to have. Because once I get there, my relationships will change. I'll have even MORE to give out to the amazing people in my life: my girlfriend, my parents, my roommates, my unknown and unmet people that he wants to use me for...
Obviously I have SO many things. I'm not saying give them up. I'm just saying that we need to live in the fact that God is the only presence that could possibly fulfill us completely.
That's about it today...hopefully some of this made sense :)
~General King~ (inside joke...prophecy...whatever you wanna call it..ask me about it later :])
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