So it's me, Seth. This is my first shot at genuinely keeping a blog on a consistent basis. First results: pretty darn good...considering this is only my first post!
Over the next few months [hopefully years], I hope to keep a very accurate, real, [funny] and honest blog of what's going on in my life. Your first thought may be similar to my first thought when learning how huge blogging is becoming: "what is the purpose of keeping a public journal? What do you seek in doing this?". Valid question. As I grow up, I realize more and more different aspects about my personality, character, and who the Lord has made me to be. One of those very aspects is the fact that sometimes, especially these days during some of the more extreme of the feelings that I've ever had in my life, I have thoughts in my head that are screaming to be let out. I am in a hardcore band, a worship band, a great community of friends, a wonderful university...but still I have things to say that I want people to hear. If no one was to ever read a blog post of mine, I would be completely fine with it. It's a matter of expressing what makes my heart ache. It's a matter of asking questions that I may not even want the answers to. It is a plain FACT that my generation is one of communication and affirmation. We look express ourselves, to become someone unique whether by our ideas or whatever else...We also look to be encouraged along the way. This can be a good and a bad thing.
In his The Imitation of Christ, Thomas a Kempis says
"Why, indeed, do we converse and gossip among ourselves when we so seldom part without a troubled conscience? We do so because we seek comfort from one another's conversation and wish to ease the mind wearied by diverse thoughts. Hence, we talk and think quite fondly of things we like very much or of things we dislike intensely."
My goal in this is not to gossip and waste my words (and possibility of carpal tunnel syndrome) with idle talk. Instead, I only seek to express myself. In this, I hope that it will challenge me to be a more diverse thinker. I hope that it challenges my faith in knowing that I should "compose another blog today".
I was writing down my feelings about some things in my life the other night and realized that I had no way of expressing it. Facebook ( i know...LAME) would have been too hurtful and direct to post onto. Myspace is loaded with pornography and fake identities. And for some reason, having a friend read or listen to at least SOME of the things I have to say just didn't seem enough. So here I go, being careful not to take advantage of a great opportunity to express myself and grow.
To you, reader, I say please feel free to read and comment and give me feedback. But be warned that I will be honest. If a blog is about you, I'm sorry (or maybe not, ey?). Let's see where this goes, shall we? :)
absconding reality,
welcome to the world of blogging!
i look forward to reading your life.
you already have a failthful reader. i have read every single one of your posts!
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