Friday, March 21, 2008

Give Money To The Least of These...Stop Buying Unnecessary _____ ____

"Society, you're a crazy breed[...]"

I've been thinking a lot lately about some new things...lots of things

-why, if as one of my dear friends pointed out to me that a soundboard that a church in our local area uses costs between 150,000 and 300,000 US are churches spending money on these things? How in the world is THAT being the church...don't even get me started on this one...

-how can this traditional religion that I've been used to for all of my life up to the past year be living for a God that sent a part of himself to die for me? Looking back on journal entries, even some of the recent past, time and time again I see entries that I vaguely remember but have taken no action on the inside provided to me then by the Lord. Yet I see some of my peers taking action. Praying as they feel the Holy Spirit leads them. Praying for healing..for peace...for deliverance...
I think I'll join them. Yes. Yes I will. This is clearly a strong desire that has been put on my heart recently and I'm going to follow it.

--just to name a few--

My parents are leaving soon. They have blessed me so much in an incredible array of ways. But again, I pray that they'll actually get to leave by when they want to. I can't imagine what it's going to be like for them over there for this next portion of their life. I can't imagine what it's going to be like for me over here for this next portion of my life. The Lord is taking care of everything, this I know. Everything...

much is still fresh on my mind. more to come soon ya'll. God Bless


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