Saturday, November 24, 2007


Three things on my mind today, and I may as well be honest:

(1) This is crab dip. A mixture of cream cheese, cheddar cheese, some other stuff, and crab meat...dip some crackers in this (crackers as in the small grain things, not as in white people) and it will seriously make your day. I LOOOOOOVE crab dip. oh's what it looks like. After I've eaten some...of course....

(2) I am practically jumping out of my clothes (that's probably not the proper phrase to use in that situation...) EXCITED to take off this summer. I'm planning on moving to Seattle to basically, genuinely, and as cliche as it sounds, find myself and have some solitude. There has been so much change in my life within the past 8 months that I really feel that God is nudging me to get away, spend some time with him, and do something different. Most of you know that my parents are moving away in early March to be m______s in China (I think I already need to start practicing using code in online posts. The Chinese government apparently filters through things that are viewed and I would never want to put them at risk, right?). Anyways, they're takin off...and so am I...lots of adventures ahead and I cannot wait!

and finally...

(3) well. as always. Women are on my mind :) The confusion that they cause inside of me. The adoration that...wait...I just realized I don't have near enough time to talk about this right now :) see ya ....

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